Too many people are satisfied with mediocrity. Some people work on themselves becoming better than average. Only a few people take the chance to achieve outstanding and excellent results. This is why I repeatedly see speeches in which the potential for excellence is ignored or disregarded. This is where I will address ten of the […]
Do you present your project in English for an international audience? Do you adapt your presentations to people with different cultural backgrounds? Are you ready to take the next step delivering even more professional speeches? Here are some highlights on how you will succeed with your presentation.
Connect with your audience
The German way of thinking is said to be very precise. In short, their highly functional language can be traced back to numerous wars and subsequent reconstruction efforts. UN interpreter and author Susanne Kilian attributes this to Germany’s central geographic location in Europe. In fact, many German presenters introduce technical concepts full of details while also including numerous technical terms.
An expert on your subject, you have registered for an international conference. After weeks of waiting you are reading the message in your mailbox: Your presentation fits well into the program and will be accepted for the conference. Congratulations!
Presenting in your first language is comparatively easy for you. You know your way around the topic anyway. These questions may pop up in your mind when you are accepted to deliver a speech in a foreign language:
“We are happy to inform you that your presentation has been selected for our conference…” Congratulations, you have passed the first hurdle!
In science it is appreciated to present and discuss results of your research at conferences. But how do you prepare for your presentation and which way do you present your material? What added value do you bring to your audience? What do people expect from your presentation?
Get in touch
Dr. Stephen Wagner
Hausdorffstr. 114
53129 Bonn, Germany
Mobile +49 (0)1577 1918067