Clear stage for your online presentation! What differences can you take into account to a live presentation to help your online presentation be well-remembered?

When presenting from home, you have new possibilities to create your virtual stage. You can stage your performance independently and amplify it with your most important instruments, body language and voice. You can use external media such as PowerPoint in a different way than you are used to. What both types of presentation have in common: Your audience is more likely to listen when you engage them actively.

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What is important for successful speeches is available both in the vast literature and in this blog. But do you know how to adapt your speech in front of a virtual online audience? Since the next live events are not yet foreseeable in times of COVID-19 or Corona, online presentations will make up an important part of the future. The ongoing digitalization will further reinforce this development. The following blog series will therefore deal with the most important aspects of online presentations: Which nuances are particularly important so that you can inspire and take your online audience?

While many of the basics for good, high-quality presentations still apply in large parts, there are some key differences between live and online presentations if you want to get your message across online.

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Meet the other side at eye level right from the start! Some candidates still go to job interviews as supplicants. They are afraid that they will not be able to convince the potential employer of their merits. They would do much better with a positive, self-confident attitude.

In most interviews, the opening remarks are followed by the request “Tell us something about yourself”. Then the employer may ask numerous questions before you can start asking your own questions. This kind of interview is therefore very hierarchical. It is based on the assumption that the employer alone decides how to proceed. Other than that, I recommend preparing yourself accordingly for an interview at eye level: Think about a set of questions and about the dramaturgy of the interview: At which points can you direct the conversation yourself?

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